Saturday, June 11, 2011

Cady Trinh

Cady Trinh is just looking for some fun. She doesn't want to get serious with one sim, she prefers to spread the love around.  She enjoys clubbing, kissing, and phallic shaped foods.

Traits                                     Favorites                            LTW
commitment issues               red                                  Master Romancer
easily impressed                    electronica
flirty                                      hot dogs
great kisser
party animal

Download w/ CC                          Download no CC

CC List
default skin- lady frontbum
default eyes- Gary Defaults
undies- lorandia liana
athletic- lili
swim- wm & ll
eyeshadow- lady frontbum
eyeliner- traelia
lipgloss- lemonleaf
beautymark- daluved1
sliders- body face lip shape

*poses used by traelia and HarukoMitsu


Shyne said...

She looks awesome :)

Jaedub said...

LMAO!That's too funny XD my boyfriend says the same about my sims.
Really pretty sim too XD!

Liz said...

Well, her personality is a lovin :)

Jada said...

Phallic-shaped foods? lmao Woooow!! You really went there. She's gorgeous, by the way.

E.R said...

The first thing I thought when I saw this sim was "she kinda looks like a major slut..." Glad I wasn't wrong. (: By the way, ALL of my sims are sluts. She's absolutely beautiful. "Hotdogs"

Liz said...

Yeah, I decided I would have more fun with this one. Glad to see you appreciate my humor.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree with the people on MS3B that the face sculpt is rather bland...
I know you can do better, Liz, so keep at it!

On a side note, isn't she one of the Sims you made for that Asylum challenge? :D

Shyne said...

"I'd have to agree with the people on MS3B that the face sculpt is rather bland..."

LOL What? How can a Sim's facial sculpt be BLAND, how can Liz DO BETTER? I get confused when people judge other peoples' Sims... how is it that she can do better, exactly? This is her Sim, made the way she wants. If you want it done your way, do it yourself lol I Shyne-a-fie Sims all the time, but I don't attempt to make them 'better', just more me :)

Anonymous said...

@ Shyne

I'm just saying that the facial structure is a little boring. (And, hell, I should know, I'm the bleeding master of creating "pudding" sims)
I'm allowed to have my own opinion, aren't I?
As for my "you can do better" comment, I meant creating a Sim that would garner better reception from the community, even though MS3B is hardly the cream of the crop.
But, whatever, I just won't share my opinion anymore~ ;)

Shyne said...

LOL oh hun I wasn't saying you weren't allowed to have an opinion. I was just sharing mine. A little healthy debate never hurt anyone. I'm sorry if I offended you, that wasn't my intention. I certainly won't stop sharing my opinion, no need for you to go silent lol Also, you're right, MS3Blog is hardly the cream of the crop XD

Anonymous said...

@ Shyne

Wow, that comment came out wrong. :P
I meant to say something along the lines of "I guess I'll just rephrase my opinions then" but that's what typing on an iPhone at midnight does to me...

Shyne said...

No stress, love :) I'm just a passionate person lol

Liz said...

I'd like to know what part of her face is making her so bland? Is it the overall face and lack of chiseled cheekbones? That can't be helped she is sculpted after a real person with such undefined features

Liz said...

Also most of my sims are made so that when they do have offspring, they don't look like mutant monkey aliens. So yeah I water em down a bit. Hence the name "Tasty Pudding" being mediocre since 1983 :) It's all good. I've had too much mountain dew.

Liz said...

@Natalia. Yes, she is one of the sims I made for the asylum challenge. I removed her insane and absent-minded forced (and unwanted) traits for her public release. I still haven't really played that yet. I got Medieval when hubby took me to get Generations. And with all the hassle and bugginess of Generations I've delayed installing it. But I don't wanna play TS3 without I've just been working on getting a good population together for when I do finally play again. I'm thinking next uploading my blond asylum dude. Gonna remake his personality a bit though. Maybe get him that CC jockstrap and take some photos in it ;)

Anonymous said...

@ Liz

Now that I think about it, it's the cheekbones. :)
It just makes the face lack definition, is all.
I am loving that nose though. <3

Anonymous said...

And I can see what you mean with genetics. :)
I'm a total Legacy nut and I'm always careful to make sure I don't add a Sim with a monkey faced sister! XD

Liz said...

I figured maybe the lack of definition in her cheeks would come up at some point. she's based off my cousin who is half korean and unfortunately for her, she's a real person with fat undefined cheekbones. lucky for Cady, she is just a sim lol

Anonymous said...

@ Liz

I didn't know she was based off a real person. ;)
I guess that would explain the Caucasian nose mixed with those beautiful eyes.

Liz said...

yeah, she is based off one of my cousins. well her face only, not her personality :) LOL

Actually alot of my sims are based off of real people. They aren't made to be exact replicas. But that is where I get the general direction of what I'm doing. Like Camryn, she is a prettier version of me :)

Shyne said...

Liz where are you? We miss you! :D